The gruelling years of high school...
In my experience, the final years of high school serve as a test of mental fortitude and perseverance. The heavy workload and fast-paced nature of schooling can drain students and leave them bereft of motivation. Texts and essays become a chore rather than an exciting opportunity to better oneself. Thus the challenge of maintaining passion and inspiration presents itself in these concluding years. Many of my peers and I had to adapt to this gruelling environment and adapt our style of study to keep up with the rhythm. Whether it be researching one’s preferred literary perspectives on a text or self-studying the practice of scansion to tease out the nuances of poetry in order to stay engaged, the demanding course of VCE English forces students to look inwards and find their own drive, in preparation for the long road of adulthood ahead.
My passion comes from...
A ‘perfect’ score of 50 in English is the culmination of avid research, critical thinking and complete investment of self into the subject. Personally, I believe developing a passion for English is the first and most important step towards these results. It is only with passion that a student will seek out research in their own time, spend time developing their own interpretation of a text that defies cookie-cutter approaches, and come to see writing and literary analysis as a form of art to be mastered. However, this is merely the foundation to success. The guiding hand of a mentor, such as mine from Edcellent, pushes students to work smarter and build confidence so that they can face the final assessments and exam knowing they have nonpareil knowledge and skill.
My journey with Edcellent...
Edcellent’s support system and mentors were key to showing me the expansive potential of VCE English. In Cameron’s classes, I learnt how to engage in independent and critical thinking that bestowed me with the ability to seek different styles of study; investigating tertiary level academic articles, creatively mapping out my own perspectives, and relating study materials with real world issues for deeper understanding. Apart from these premium skills I learnt, Excellent’s mentors provided me with holistic mentorship with long-term benefits. The confidence, creativity and inspiration, which in the short-term help students achieve exemplary scores within the VCAA system (in not only English but any subject that requires critical thinking), have allowed me to mature as a person and understand the importance of passion and commitment.
A word of advice for VCE students...
For future students who face the hurdles of VCE, this tough course is one that will push your limits, demand rapid growth and force you to confront your source of motivation and passion. However, as long as you grasp the purpose of these four units as a crucial transition into the trials and tribulations of adulthood, you will go through incredible personal growth and maturation. It is a good opportunity to find your passion and build on it. So, stay positive, persevere and see every challenge as a valuable opportunity for learning.