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Rania Qisti

Junior and Middle School English at Edcellent Education

Having taught English to both primary school students and young adults for two years, my journey in education has been incredibly rewarding. Currently undertaking my Master of Learning Intervention at the University of Melbourne, I have had the privilege of witnessing the remarkable progress students can make when they are engaged and motivated. It is truly inspiring to see how quickly children can grasp the nuances of a language and develop the skills to express themselves with clarity and confidence. Beyond language proficiency, I am passionate about nurturing students' critical thinking and creative abilities. These skills are essential for success in today's world, where adaptability and innovation are key. I thrive on the energy and enthusiasm of my students, and I am constantly amazed by their insightful perspectives and imaginative ideas. Each day, I am reminded of why I chose to teach to make a difference in the lives of my students and to inspire them to reach their full potential.

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